* Spelling and Math Activities (Reading log, too) are in Your child's Homework Folder!
August 23, 2010
Dear Parents,
This letter is to inform you of 1st Grade Magnet classroom procedures concerning homework. Please ready carefully and feel free to contact me anytime. You can reach your child’s teacher phone at Lantrip ES during the hours of 7:45 and 3:30 (713-924-1620) or by email (Mrs. Weisenberger) aweisenb@houstonisd.org or (Mrs. Adams) madams1@houstonisd.org
Magnet Students Read Every Night (M.S.R.E.N.)- The minimum time expected for a first grader to read is 15 minutes each night (even over the weekends). This reading may be done by the student alone or with the parent. After the student is finished reading each night please record the book/pages read with the date and parent initials. The student’s “Daily Reading Log” will be located in their homework folder nightly.
Spelling Homework will consist of:
Monday- write each spelling word 5 times
Tuesday- make a sentence for each word including capitalization and correct punctuation
Wednesday- choose one activity from the “Spelling Activity Sheet” found in your child’s folder (parent must send a note if the activity is making words out of clay, etc.)
Thursday- study for Spelling Test on Friday
Friday- no Spelling homework
Math- Magnet first graders will have Tuesday and Thursday night Math homework. Please record your math activity in your journal. Save paper use the back and front of each page.
“Thank you” in advance for all of your cooperation and care when it comes to your child. Together I know we will have a highly successful year in all the curriculum areas.
The First Grade Team
Spelling word and sight word tests are given each Friday. Practice...Practice! Students will be required to recognize sight words only. [pond, lost, spot, soft, golf, pot, dot, frog, mop, stop, BONUS WORD: OCTOPUS]. High Frequency Words (sight words): [have, you, any, one, little].